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/ Chip 2007 January, February, March & April / Chip-Cover-CD-2007-02.iso / Pakiet multimedia / Muzyka / Odtwarzacze muzyki / Quintessential Player / qcd451.exe / QCDHelp.chm / encoder_map-4.5.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2004-04-12  |  22KB  |  557x258  |  16-bit (20,353 colors)
Labels: arcade machine | bag | box | bus | case | cell phone | computer | crt screen | monitor | person | plant | platter | rock | sky | tree
OCR: Quintossential Encoder 041 .Eentact 1009 Contribution 1009 Greal Erpec ation 1009 How We Gel Alone 10090 Impravise 3M Radiohead Amnesiac Jurar Fir'st Life in a Glass House 7.au Monkey Bart :07 :05 9 Duality 1548 10 Quality Thtre 0:31 11 Swine Sel 218 012 The Bam 134 013 The Inflaancs nont 10 SUURCE Enpectationt Along fntro Inipravise Finiih Contrel Tatre Influence TIOnE